The Walking Dead: Season 7 Premiere Clip and Contest

With less than a week to go until the Season 7 premiere, AMC's "The Walking Dead" still has its fans in a constant uproar as to who was claimed at the hands and bat of the big bad himself, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). On October 8th, AMC premiered a special sneak peek of Season 7 over at New York Comic Con. Considering the lack of footage we received involving Rick’s group over the course of this summer, the network definitely owed this to us (the fans). The footage revealed that our victim may have possibly been on Rick’s right side (contrary to the popular belief that Negan's shadow crossed Rick's face going to the left), but is this a legitimate sneak peek? I have been wondering that for a while now, and I believe this to be an ACTUAL look into our newest season to come.

After the two-hour special "The Walking Dead: The Journey So Far", AMC had a network television premiere of the Season 7 sneak peek released only days earlier. We are presented with Rick looking down, as the right side of his face is painted with a thick line of someone else’s blood. Did this blood fly and hit Rick from elsewhere? Did Negan brush Lucille up against his face? Or was it the blood from the person directly to Rick’s right? We all know who was kneeling there by now...
Could she actually be Negan’s victim of choice? For months, multiple theories have attempted to squash any sort of inkling that points to the victim being anyone other than Abraham or, Maggie’s beloved beau, Glenn. From spoiling sites to fans that have had it with the wait, AMC has certainly had a lot on their plate with keeping this secret, as well as crossing their fingers in the hopes that all cast & crew members are committed to keeping quiet on all fronts (though you'd have to be a real piece of work to break a pact like that). Just to take a step back here, could you imagine if AMC legitimately filmed all eleven deaths of our characters to prevent the spoiler from spilling? If so, I’d certainly love to see each one, after the fact (perhaps even make it a special feature on the Season 7 Blu-Ray).

It doesn’t matter who the victim is at this point. I know this sounds extremely hypocritical, especially coming from someone who couldn’t shut up about this up until only mere weeks ago. However, as I stated in my previous Walking Dead post, I have come to terms that I will have to wait until October 23rd for the real answer. Until then, I am running a contest. The first two people to comment on ANY form of social media listed below with the correct guess of Negan’s chosen victim will receive a Walking Dead prize (to be specified at a later date). We could sit here and talk about these theories all day (believe me, I’ve been there), but make sure to submit your answer(s). Cast your vote at ANY of the following links below, and tell me who you think Negan killed!

The Horror House





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